THE HIGH COURT OF DELHI invites online applications 'from eligible candidates for filling up 50 vacancies in Delhi Judicial Service by holding Delhi judicial Service Examination in two successive stages:
(i) Delhi Judicial Service Preliminary Examination (objective type with 25% negative marking) for selection for the main examination; and
(ii) Delhi Judicial Service Main Examination (Written) for selection of candidates for calling for Viva-voce.
(i) Delhi Judicial Service Preliminary Examination (objective type with 25% negative marking) for selection for the main examination; and
(ii) Delhi Judicial Service Main Examination (Written) for selection of candidates for calling for Viva-voce.
Date of Preliminary Exam
The Delhi Judicial Service Preliminary Examination (Objective Type) referred to above, will be held on Sunday, the 6th May, 2018.
A candidate shall be eligible to appear in the examination if he I she is (a) a citizen of India; (b) a person practising as an Advocate in India or a person qualified to be admitted as an Advocate under the Advocates Act, 1961; and (c) not more than 32 years of age as on 1st January, 2018 i.e. on the 1st day of January following the date of commencement of the examination. In the case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes ,Tribes, the upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years. The upper age limit is also relaxable maximum by 5 years in the case of Ex-Servicemen including Emergency Commissioned Officers and Short Service Commissioned Officers who have rendered at least 5 years military service and have been released on completion of assignment (including those whose assignment is due to be completed within 6 months) otherwise than by way of dismissal or discharge on account of misconduct or inefficiency, or on account of physical disability attributable to military service or on invalidment.
As per O.M. dated 29.12.2005 issued by Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India, the upper age limit for persons with disabilities shall be relaxable by 10 years.
General category disabled candidates would thus be eligible for age relaxation up to 10 years and SC/ST category disabled candidates would be eligible for age relaxation up to 15 years.
As per O.M. dated 29.12.2005 issued by Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Department of Personnel & Training, Government of India, the upper age limit for persons with disabilities shall be relaxable by 10 years.
General category disabled candidates would thus be eligible for age relaxation up to 10 years and SC/ST category disabled candidates would be eligible for age relaxation up to 15 years.
Commencement of date of filing of online form.
The candidates shall submit their application online only in the prescribed format through the official website of High Court of Delhi i.e. as per schedule of dates, given below:
Commencement of online filling up of Application Forms 31.01.2018 (10:00 AM)
Last date for creating New Log In for online registration 15.02.2018 (11:59 PM)
Last date for filling Online Application Form and/or making 15.02.2018 payment through Debit Card/Internet Banking (11:59 PM)
Last date for creating New Log In for online registration 15.02.2018 (11:59 PM)
Last date for filling Online Application Form and/or making 15.02.2018 payment through Debit Card/Internet Banking (11:59 PM)
Fee structure
The fees (non-refundable) in the sum of RS.1000, for General Category candidates and Rs.200, for Scheduled Caste Scheduled Tribe Physically Handicapped (Blind I Low vision) (mobility not to be restricted) Orthopaedically Handicapped {OA - one arm affected (Right or left), OL - one leg affected (right or left), BL - both legs affected but not arms}/Hearing Impaired candidates should be paid through Debit Card/ Internet Banking.
The candidates can take printout of Application and keep it for future reference. They need not send the print out of the online application to the High Court. Before filling up the form, the candidates are advised to read carefully the Notification Advertisement and Instructions for Delhi Judicial Service Examination 2017.
The candidates can take printout of Application and keep it for future reference. They need not send the print out of the online application to the High Court. Before filling up the form, the candidates are advised to read carefully the Notification Advertisement and Instructions for Delhi Judicial Service Examination 2017.
The number of vacancies.
The number of vacancies to be filled are as under:
General 18
SC 11 (07) vacancies are backlog
ST 21 (19) vacancies are backlog
You may read syllabus here.
Syllabus of Delhi Judicial Services Exam
SC 11 (07) vacancies are backlog
ST 21 (19) vacancies are backlog
Apply Online for Delhi Judicial Service Examination -2017.
Click on the following link.
Enter the URL in the web browser.
You may read syllabus here.
Syllabus of Delhi Judicial Services Exam